Walker's Renton Subaru donates over $70k to Renton schools

As part of the Subaru Share the Love event, where customers donate $250, Walker’s was able to donate the money to Renton Schools Foundation.

For the last 11 years, Walker’s Renton Subaru has been making donations to Renton Schools Foundation, totaling nearly $1 million in contributions. And on Monday, May 22, Walker’s made an additional donation to help students and teachers throughout the Renton School District.

The donation was part of the Subaru of America Share the Love event where hundreds of Walker’s customers gave $250, which helped bring the total to $70,650.

According to Carsyn Kniss of Walker’s, Renton Schools Foundation will use the money to continue funding teacher grants, STEM, music, arts, literacy camps and a principal emergency fund.

“The principal emergency fund allows principals at the schools to help homeless students and their families,” said Kniss. “We went to a benefit breakfast in early April and at that, they told a story about how a principal had used [the fund] because there was a homeless family and the principal was able to give that family fresh clothes.”

Along with the annual Share the Love event where customers provide contributions, owner Dale Walker has made personal donations to Renton students and their families, totaling more than $900,000, says Kniss.