Coming soon: 12 Seahawks Way

There’s a new street name in town. It’s Seahawks Way.

There’s a new street name in town. It’s Seahawks Way.

And with the new name, is a new address, 12 Seahawks Way. Or at least that’s the goal.

The 12 in the address honors the “12th Man,” the Seahawks fans.

Not surprisingly, the street runs right in front of the new Seahawks’ headquarters and practice facility on the shore of Lake Washington, the Virginia Mason Athletic Center.

The dead-end road already has a name, Ripley Lane, which skirts along Interstate 405 north from Lake Washington Boulevard.

But Suzanne Dale Estey, the city’s economic development director, told the Renton City Council Monday night the idea is to have an address that mirrors the brand name, in this case, the Seahawks.

She spoke prior to a public hearing the City Council held Monday night on the proposal to change the name of a 1,900-foot stretch of Ripley Lane to Seahawks Way.

Following citizen comment, the council approved the name change, following the recommendation of the council’s Transportation Committee.

“We are thrilled with the new street name,” said Suzanne Lavender, a Seahawks spokeswoman. “We wanted something that could represent us both on and off the field.”

The new facility, she said, “is coming together,” with moving in still planned for late August.

She called the headquarters and practice facility in north Renton “a lakefront palace.”

The Seahawks’ headquarters is now in Kirkland.

Nearby residents spoke for and against the proposed name change during the public hearing.

The chief concern is that the dual name will cause confusion or add to existing confusion about addresses on Ripley Lane. The lane or at least part of it is also shown on maps as Hazelwood Lane, although the sign at Lake Washington Boulevard says Ripley Lane. Also, it’s not a through street.

Gilla Bachellerie, who has lived on Ripley Lane for about 40 years, doesn’t object to the name change. She just wants everyone involved, the city, the county and mapmakers, to “get their maps straight.”

“I have no objections to the Seahawks,” she said.

A resident of the Misty Cove condominiums, Eileen Halvorson, opposes the name change because of the confusion it will create.

“We have already been greatly impacted,” by the Seahawks, she said.

But Greg Fawcett of Fall City, who owns land on Kennydale Hill just to the south, said he favors the name change because the name Seahawks Way would bring value to his property.

Lavender said the team would do its part to work with the City of Renton on dual signage. The plan calls signs that direct drivers to Ripley Lane via Seahawks Way.

The new name is for roadway from Lake Washington Boulevard to the northern boundary of the Seahawks’ property, which borders the Misty Cove condominiums.

The name change would not affect the new Conner Homes development, Barbee Mill, farther south on Lake Washington Boulevard.

However, potentially affected is the Quendall Terminals property, which has been listed as a Superfund cleanup site. Once redeveloped, and depending on access points to the property, it could have a Seahawks Way address.

One issue remains to be addressed – the 12 in 12 Seahawks Way.

“The 12 represents our fans who support us on and off the field,” said Lavender, the Seahawks’ spokeswoman.

The new address is still not a done deal because of a Postal Service requirement that odd-numbered addresses are on one side of a street and the even-numbered ones on the other.

The Seahawks and the City of Renton are working on the matter with the U.S. Postmaster.

Dean A. Radford can be reached at 425-255-3484, ext. 5050, or at