Why are our own people in shelters?

I read your story (Oct. 1, 2008, Renton News), and I am so glad these women have Vision House to help them.

I read your story (Oct. 1, 2008, Renton News), and I am so glad these women have Vision House to help them.

The thing that upsets me is the King County Housing Authority is not helping them. Almost all of the low-income housing they have is filled up by people from other countries. There is a complex in Kent called Springwood on 132nd Avenue Southeast that is being totally rebuilt, and the people living there have all been moved to other apartments, and the KCHA is paying high rent for them, so the people from Springwood have a place to live, but they pay the same rent they paid at Springwood. The move for them is free, as well as the transfer fees for utilities. They even have free furniture for them if they need it. What is wrong with our area when we take care of people from other countries and our people are living in shelters with their children?

JoAnn McCord
