We want to be heard on Duvall

Yea! Duvall Avenue is getting some long-awaited improvements. While this is a huge project that impacts hundreds of homes, I think most, if not all, residents are willing to sacrifice for awhile for the overall good. I live on the corner of a culdesac and Union Avenue with my only way out via Union.

Yea! Duvall Avenue is getting some long-awaited improvements. While this is a huge project that impacts hundreds of homes, I think most, if not all, residents are willing to sacrifice for awhile for the overall good. I live on the corner of a culdesac and Union Avenue with my only way out via Union.

My issue is twfold.

1. I have attended public meetings about the project, talked directly to the project manager, watched the project updates to the City Council and read the newspaper articles. I have been disappointed in the responses and reports of the city’s transportation design supervisor. While I have never had to wait for 25 minutes, as Donna Wright has, it has certainly been longer that the “25 seconds - maybe” response of the supervisor. I found his responses both in print and public flip and not helpful at all. We are asking to be heard. Mr. Hanson could avoid a lot of citizen outcry by listening to those of us who are most affected by the road changes.

2. Once the project started, I was very happy to see that the city realized that adjustments needed to be made to the signage and road striping. It gave me hope that more adjustments would be made. The area that needs attention is the intersection of Union and Sunset. I would invite Mr. Hanson to sit in the parking lot of Sunset Square from 3:30 - 5 p.m. and watch how two lanes on the north side of the intersection become five along with cars turning in and out of the gas station and shopping center. Traffic is lined up the hill. The Renton Police Department officer doing speed checks in front of my house relates to our concerns. When asked about the legality of passing left turning cars on the right, I was told it is acceptable to keep traffic flowing. He also said that no cars can speed because there are so many cars on the road. So the report that traffic and speeding is not a problem is not accurate or the whole truth.

Once again, let me say that I am thrilled to see the improvements to Duvall. What a great day it will be when it opens and traffic lessens on Union. Thank you, Renton, for seeing the need and responding.

Kimberly N. Unti
