Someone should investigate schools

The front page of the Renton News (Sept. 20) carried

The front page of the Renton News (Sept. 20) carried

the headline “21 families ask moves because of poor AYP” with the sub-headline, “But many also happy with school.” My question is: “How did Emily Garland, the reporter, obtain that information”? Did she take a poll or do a survey? Talking to one or two parents is not sufficient; getting it from the spokesperson of the school, Randy Matheson, is absolutely unreliable. There are several dumb statements included in the article to support that, plus cast a shadow on Emily’s report.

One is a statement made by Randy Matheson that parents supposedly say to him, “My kid is doing fine in the classroom, what’s up with the rest of the school? Why are you guys failing?” Why is someone like Randy Matheson being quoted as speaking for parents? Are we really that dumb?

Secondly, Randy questions the truthfulness of the 21 parents who stated AYP as a reason for changing schools; could that really be the reason? He should have pondered why so few parents had asked for transfers in view of the fact that most of the schools are failed. I can see where that would work a hardship on parents who really have no place to go under these circumstances, but such a callous response from a district spokesperson might be revealing.

Perhaps someone should do an independent survey and investigation and find out what is really going on in this district.

Kay Smith


(Editor’s note: Emily Garland made extensive attempts to contact families who had chosen to move a student, including calling the principals of elementary schools for possible names.)