Renton schools must get on track for kids

If Leiana Smith truly believes the letter from Beatrice Clark was based on “sensationalized reports,” wait until she hears “the rest of the story.” She admits she doesn’t even know the full story, so I will fill in some blanks. There are a variety of ways the WASL test scores can be interpreted, but when it all boils down, we still must admit the educational system is broken and needs to be fixed. I am very concerned about all children, not just mine. Emily Garland’s report only included the Title I schools that did not make Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) in the Renton School District. The other schools on the down list are Black River High, Hazen High, Lindbergh High, Renton High (level 5), McKnight Middle School (level 4), Nelsen Middle School (level 3) and (Dimmitt Middle School, level 4).

If Leiana Smith truly believes the letter from Beatrice Clark was based on “sensationalized reports,” wait until she hears “the rest of the story.” She admits she doesn’t even know the full story, so I will fill in some blanks. There are a variety of ways the WASL test scores can be interpreted, but when it all boils down, we still must admit the educational system is broken and needs to be fixed. I am very concerned about all children, not just mine. Emily Garland’s report only included the Title I schools that did not make Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) in the Renton School District. The other schools on the down list are Black River High, Hazen High, Lindbergh High, Renton High (level 5), McKnight Middle School (level 4), Nelsen Middle School (level 3) and (Dimmitt Middle School, level 4).

Superintendent Mary Alice Heuschel seems to be in denial. Yes, I believe in accentuating the positive, but I also believe in facing reality. The entire Renton School District is in Step 2 of improvement. Any district not making AYP for two consecutive years in all three grade spans in the same subject area is identified for improvement status. As such they are mandated to collaborate and accept technical assistance from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. ( All these measures are in place to help students attain success, not for the purpose of people in office maintaining the status quo. Everybody in place is not necessarily the right fit for the job that needs to be done, and at some point they can be replaced. It’s about the children.

Mary Alice Heuschel needs to answer why so many schools have not made AYP for so many years and why African-American students are failing in the greatest number. If she can provide answers to these dynamics, we can ALL celebrate. In the meantime each of us must accept our personal responsibilities as parents, students, teachers, leaders, and community and do whatever is necessary to get on the right track. We must do it for the children’s’ sake.

Naomi Donovan
