Renton resident ‘delighted' with fireworks ban

As a recent annexee to the city I am delighted to now be protected by Renton’s fireworks ban. Last week’s writer who called limits on fireworks “draconian” was just plain silly. The private, irresponsible and dangerous blow-outs all-to-common in neighborhoods around the 4th of July have nothing to do with real patriotism and love of freedom. They are more related, at any age, to foolish juvenile acting out drawn to loud noises and bright flashes, heedless of the danger and annoyance to their neighbors.

As a recent annexee to the city I am delighted to now be protected by Renton’s fireworks ban. Last week’s writer who called limits on fireworks “draconian” was just plain silly. The private, irresponsible and dangerous blow-outs all-to-common in neighborhoods around the 4th of July have nothing to do with real patriotism and love of freedom. They are more related, at any age, to foolish juvenile acting out drawn to loud noises and bright flashes, heedless of the danger and annoyance to their neighbors.

The city will provide a safe, sane and spectacular ariel display on the 4th for its citizens to enjoy down at the waterfront park. Those who must have their personal flash-bang fix should take their rockets, bombs and Roman candles into their private garage, basement or bedroom, shut the door and light up. But leave the rest of us in peace.

Matt Berntson
