Renton liquor sales are cause for concern

I recently read the Dec. 6 edition of the Renton News. The front page had an article addressing “What Renton is Drinking.” The article was very well-written. My opinion was not to do with the article or the Renton News, but with concern for the community. The liquor store on Rainier Avenue is outselling the one in the UW shopping center! This is amazing, considering the fact that the state’s largest university is unable to alone out-buy the city of Renton in terms of volume of liquor, not to mention the rest of the Seattle population in that area.

I recently read the Dec. 6 edition of the Renton News. The front page had an article addressing “What Renton is Drinking.” The article was very well-written. My opinion was not to do with the article or the Renton News, but with concern for the community. The liquor store on Rainier Avenue is outselling the one in the UW shopping center! This is amazing, considering the fact that the state’s largest university is unable to alone out-buy the city of Renton in terms of volume of liquor, not to mention the rest of the Seattle population in that area.

To concern me more was the fact that the state is bringing in 500 additional cases of liquor to the Rainier Avenue location for the holiday season. This defeats the purpose of the state regulating the liquor sales. For one thing the community of Renton does not get more tax revenue directly since the liquor store is state-run. Washington state wins, but Renton loses. There is a big reason the liquor store was moved from the corner lot a few years ago and now has security in front of it. People were getting car-jacked and robbed on a regular basis. I unfortunately have experienced the damage of liquor in the Renton community first-hand.

The story points out that, according to advertising, Yukon Jack has a macho image. This is as out of control as selling malt liquor in rough sections of town. A real manly man does not drink to solve his problems.

Aaron Bishop
