Renton garbage contract offers less service, but costs more

Renton’s new garbage contract was passed by the Renton City Council on Sept. 22, 2008. The Renton City Council made a decision to throw out the contract which expires Dec. 31, 2009, which was negotiated in 2000 with a monthly rate of $13.44 for a 32-gallon can a week, for a contract that cuts down service and increases rates to the customer.

Renton’s new garbage contract was passed by the Renton City Council on Sept. 22, 2008.

The Renton City Council made a decision to throw out the contract which expires Dec. 31, 2009, which was negotiated in 2000 with a monthly rate of $13.44 for a 32-gallon can a week, for a contract that cuts down service and increases rates to the customer. The prior contract had 15 months left to go. The new contract has downsized the garbage can to a 35-gallon can with every-other-week $18.41 service. If you wanted to stay with the current service, the rate would be $32.32 a month from $13.44.

Council member King Parker said the city is “cutting a good deal.” He said prices don’t go down and the future is uncertain. “I have a sure-fire deal,” he said. He forgot that the new contract has a yearly rate adjustment every year in the contract so the uncertain future for rates going up is no reason to think this is a good deal.

This contract has approved the moving of funded programs that are already paid by the taxpayers to the solid-waste contract. I would call this the tax increase.

If you watch the videos on the City of Renton Web page of the Committee of the Whole Sept. 15, compared with the video of the Sept. 22 council meeting, you can see for yourself the presentation at the council meeting was watered down. Question to ask is why the city had to hire a consultant? Isn’t the Solid Waste Department qualified or what?

George Rock
