Renton fireworks ban is ‘draconian'

Your article on June 14 entitled, “A reminder: Fireworks banned in the city” was terribly one-sided. You cite the reduction of property damage and fire calls since the ban was enacted in 2005, but you say nothing of the tens of thousands of people who have had their celebration of their country’s founding destroyed by this draconian ban.

Your article on June 14 entitled, “A reminder: Fireworks banned in the city” was terribly one-sided. You cite the reduction of property damage and fire calls since the ban was enacted in 2005, but you say nothing of the tens of thousands of people who have had their celebration of their country’s founding destroyed by this draconian ban.

The city government (including the fire department) has forgotten the meaning of their role as public “servants,” and by publishing their propaganda unchallenged, you fail in your responsibilities as journalists.

Bob Garlough
