Obama supporter’s vote her editorial

I would like to apologize for my negative letter to the editor (Sept. 20, 2008, Renton News) about Sarah Palin; in hindsight, attacking anyone is really not a productive thing to do, and I deeply regret the volley of negativity it spawned. My intention was to offer some balance for what I perceived to be the lack of pro-Democratic letters regarding the national election printed in this paper; but the opposite has been soundly accomplished, at least as far as what this paper actually publishes.

I would like to apologize for my negative letter to the editor (Sept. 20, 2008, Renton News) about Sarah Palin; in hindsight, attacking anyone is really not a productive thing to do, and I deeply regret the volley of negativity it spawned. My intention was to offer some balance for what I perceived to be the lack of pro-Democratic letters regarding the national election printed in this paper; but the opposite has been soundly accomplished, at least as far as what this paper actually publishes.

As for me, I am an ordinary, reasonably intelligent American working hard to educate my children, improve the quality of life for our community through hospice work and studying to go to graduate school. I obviously support Barack Obama more than the other guy, but I won’t be writing any more “diatribes” in an effort to further the cause. I’ll editorialize with my vote.

Melissa Kruger
