Obama is a man of class

Melissa Kruger’s anti-Palin letter seems to have ignited a fire under the Alaska governor’s supporters. First, she was literally rebuked by Lamont Faulkner who line by line refuted everything she stated. Then on Wednesday she gets it from Jason Oleston whose letter I can’t even understand. I just get a sense he, too, is trying to defend Palin. Forget the car wash and Covenant House and let’s get real. Let them try picking this apart.

Melissa Kruger’s anti-Palin letter seems to have ignited a fire under the Alaska governor’s supporters. First, she was literally rebuked by Lamont Faulkner who line by line refuted everything she stated. Then on Wednesday she gets it from Jason Oleston whose letter I can’t even understand. I just get a sense he, too, is trying to defend Palin. Forget the car wash and Covenant House and let’s get real. Let them try picking this apart.

Gov. Palin did not get any books banned from the library; not because she didn’t try but because the citizens stood against her and supported the librarian who would not agree to ban books. Palin then tried to get her fired, but the citizens stopped that action, too. Just like she said “no” to the bridge to nowhere – after the project had been scrapped. As mayor of Wasilla, Palin made rape victims pay for their own forensic evidence kits; she is opposed to abortion in cases of rape and incest, even if the victims are children; she believes creationism should be taught in schools; she believes that man coexisted with dinosaurs only 6,000 years ago; she is presently under investigation for abuse of power (now known as Troopergate); she offered a bounty of $150 for each front leg of freshly killed wolves; believes she has foreign affairs experience because her home state of Alaska is next to Russia. If you need more evidence that she is an airhead, check out the Katie Couric interview on CBS.

Jason asked the question if the Renton News did any fact-finding when printing letters. I’ll go him one better — do your own. GrizzlyBay.org gives credible support to these statements, plus a link to a huge anti-Palin rally Alaskans held in September. Lamont Faulkner, you outright called Melissa “ignorant,” which in itself makes you the ignorant one. Everybody has a right to say what they want. Jason, you sound like an Obama hater. Sen. Obama is a man of class, dignity, intelligence and good looks, whose life, fortunately, is not in your hands.

Joel Beachman
