Litzow misunderstands 41st Legislative District

My husband and I have three children in the Renton School District. Since 1996, I have been extensively involved with all aspects of their schooling, the schools they have attended, the district itself, PTAs, their sports activities and the community-at-large. Our oldest two are in AP and Honors classes; all three consistently maintain a 3.75 – 4.0 GPA and are more than adequately challenged by their teachers.

My husband and I have three children in the Renton School District. Since 1996, I have been extensively involved with all aspects of their schooling, the schools they have attended, the district itself, PTAs, their sports activities and the community-at-large. Our oldest two are in AP and Honors classes; all three consistently maintain a 3.75 – 4.0 GPA and are more than adequately challenged by their teachers.

I have sat back and watched the unnecessary need of politicians to bring their campaign to the next level, which, unfortunately, may involve disparaging remarks, personal attacks and baseless accusations. But in the 41st District race for the legislative position, Steve Litzow has chosen to bring the Renton School District into the fray. By characterizing RSD as “the worst district in the 41st” (see comments in Oct. 8 Mercer Island Reporter), he is belittling and condemning an entire school district, its staff, children and community.

We have many, many children and students who are overachievers, excelling in all areas of academics, sports, community service and life in general. Our children will continue to persevere and succeed, despite attempts to ridicule and malign their efforts. We have an entire community of families, friends, volunteers and neighbors who care deeply about our children. We need representatives who feel the same way, supporting their potential constituents unconditionally, and not judging the schools and children by the area in which they live (see Litzow’s statement, “People always point to Bellevue or Mercer Island.”)

I highly question Mr. Litzow’s ability to represent our area. You do not garner votes by criticizing a major portion of the 41st District you seek to represent, nor their children. I rarely publicly endorse a candidate, but in this instance, it is probably obvious that I am supporting Marcie Maxwell.

Carrie Wong
