‘I hope Washington continues to support school choice'

My daughter Kylie has always struggled with anxiety. However, it got drastically worse when she got to middle school. During her first semester her anxiety levels grew because of the pace of her classes. It became so distracting that she couldn’t concentrate on her work and struggled to maintain her high grades. Knowing from my own experience with anxiety and the impact that it can have on learning, I knew waiting until the end of the school year was not an option. That’s when I decided to enroll her in online school.

Thankfully, Washington Virtual Academy (WAVA) was an option. The school offered Kylie a safe and positive place to continue her education. Now that Kylie is in her second year at WAVA she enjoys learning again. She’s gaining a sense of independence in a setting free from unnecessary distractions. And she’s learning important computer skills and other programs she did not know before.

It’s been amazing to see my daughter thrive in her education again and I know that Kylie moving to online school is bringing her even closer to a bright and successful future. I hope Washington continues to support school choice.

Carrie Petruzzo
