‘Huck Finn' shows how far country has come

In bringing attention to “Huckleberry Finn,” doesn’t Calista Phair realize that she has stirred up a curiosity about what the book says? Now I’d like to read it again, and that can’t be what she would like.

In bringing attention to “Huckleberry Finn,” doesn’t Calista Phair realize that she has stirred up a curiosity about what the book says? Now I’d like to read it again, and that can’t be what she would like. We did at least discuss it in my Seattle school when I was a student, but I can’t recall much of it. It certainly never tempted me to use the word “nigger,’ nor do I ever hear any of my associates say that word. Consider the source seems applicable to those who do use it, and that is my advice to Miss Phair. What has always been noted as good literature and tells us the history of our country should remain in our schools. This particular story demonstrates how far we have come in less than a century.

Marilyn Rogers
