City of Fairwood feasibilty study biased

I was under the impression Henderson, Young and Co. was under contract to the Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County to produce the feasibility study concerning the proposed City of Fairwood. Apparently, they’re also working for the Fairwood Municipal Initiative.

In response to critical comments on the draft report, initiative spokesperson Joe Giberson is quoted as saying, “This is an entry point to the process. We are happy to have the opportunity to fine-tune the report.”

The likelihood incorporation supporters influenced the initial draft may be one reason why the data in the report is so faulty and conclusions lacking substance.

Randy Young, president of Henderson, Young, while stating they will “address 80 to 90 percent” of the issues raised” at the recent community meeting, goes on to state that it's unlikely that any new information will “change the overall conclusion of the report.”

So much for an unbiased, credible study.

J. Paul Blake
