Carlson would have us in the Stone Age

Dear John

Dear John

I disagree on all your ideas and comments (John Carlson column on Proposition 1, Sound Transit, Oct. 1, 2008, Renton News). But this is a free society and it takes all kinds of people to make the world interesting.

Your last column against Proposition 1 is trying to put Seattle back into the dark ages. Most progressive western cities have good public transportation. If our neighbor Portland can do it, why not us? We have to start somewhere. You talk in doubtful percentages, but have you ever taken the Sounder? It is full to capacity on every run. You are distorting the percentages given by Sound Transit.

Are you ever inching along on a congested highway, day in and day out?

Your column tries to sway people. It is unfortunate for the Renton News that your column is so prominent and does not feature an opposing view.

So my dear John, are you proposing more highways to be built, more public land to be gobbled up by concrete?

I remember the time Highway 405 was built. I commuted to Kirkland for work and it was a great drive for the first few years. It did not take long to be congested.

With your way of thinking, we would still be in the Stone Age, not willing to spend extra money to improve the wheel.

Helga Jaques
