Boeing machinists right to go on strike

The Machinists are right to strike. They deserve much better than what they are getting. Boeing is reporting record profits and a seven-year backlog of orders and they still want to cut their employees’ benefits and reduce job security. Is that fair?

The Machinists are right to strike. They deserve much better than what they are getting. Boeing is reporting record profits and a seven-year backlog of orders and they still want to cut their employees’ benefits and reduce job security. Is that fair?

These days, workers certainly can’t look to Washington, D.C., for help. George Bush and the congressional Republicans like Dave Reichert have shown a complete disregard for unions and the average American employee, and instead side repeatedly with the businesses that are making record profits and record political donations. Reichert even benefitted from a fundraiser organized by lobbyists who were working to take thousands of local jobs and move them to Alabama.

Boeing employees already accepted major cuts after the airline industry took a hit from 9/11, and now that Boeing is healthy again they deserve a better contract. As long as no one is standing up for them, they need to stand up for themselves.

Joseph Peha
