An annexation concern in Renton

I would like to respond to the letter published in the Feb. 20 Renton News, which was in response to a letter in the Jan. 23 Reporter. They both address the issue of annexation.

As a West Hill residence, I am allowed to not have home garbage collection. This option allows me to recycle to such an extent that between my recycling and composting efforts, I accumulate less than two full cans of trash a month. This allows me to make a trip to the transfer station on the average of once every three months. Even at that, I do not meet the minimum charge, which is now $21, I believe. Quite the cost savings and a lot more recycling.

If the West Hill was to be annexed into Renton, which both Renton and King County seem bent on happening, I would no longer be allowed to have goats, sheep or chickens in my yard. My rights as a homeowner would in other ways be reduced without any compensation.

The fact that these government structures desire annexation, as do a large number of the business interests in the area, should be a warning. I just hope all those in the affected areas speak up.

David Gross, West Hill