
Nitric Drive Reviews - Natural Ingredients That Work or Super Bogus Claims?

Are you tired of fighting the constant brain fog, lack of clarity, and low mental sharpness? The symptoms of such conditions usually start showing up as one grows older, which is why a majority of brain health supplement investors happen to fall into the older age groups.

But as more people are getting addicted to instant dopamine-hit providers like social media, the need for such supplements has caught hold of the younger population as well. But which cognitive health booster is the most loved option among the herd of brain health-enhancing products?

According to our research, it happens to be a cognitive health supplement brand called Neuro Thrive. It is one of the best options on the market to prevent age-related cognitive decline among almost all individuals above the age of 18 and is made using the secret Okinawan formula to leading an intellectually healthy life.

If you have ever wondered why the Japanese people, especially those residing within the small island of Okinawa, tend to live longer and mentally fitter lives - you might find the answer after consuming Neuro Thrive, as thousands of Neuro Thrive reviews prove the potency of the vegetarian capsules of this brand.

This is why we have come up with an in-depth analysis of the Neuro Thrive supplement today for you so that you can boost your mental health in the best ways possible. But before we get started, let us walk through a brief overview of this product:


Dietary supplements

Product name:

Neuro Thrive

Product form:


Servings per bottle:


What is Neuro Thrive?

Neuro Thrive is a powerful brain health supplement that can boost your mental energy, eliminate brain fog, and enhance your overall cognitive abilities naturally.

Where to buy:

Official website

Created by:

Chris Wilson

What are the ingredients used in Neuro Thrive?

PQQ, Bacopa, Alpha GPC, GABA, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Etc.

Best features:

  • Free shipping is offered on the 3 and 6-bottle packs of Neuro Thrive
  • Safe
  • Effective
  • Thousands of positive reviews
  • Quick shipping and delivery


  • 1-bottle pack: $59
  • 3-bottle pack: $147
  • 6-bottle pack: $234

Refund policy:

60-day money-back guarantee

How Does The Neuro Thrive Formula Help Your Brain Regain Its Functionality And Peak Abilities?

Before you understand how Neuro Thrive works, it would be best if you are thorough with why our brains lose the ability to perform well in the first place. You see, as we age, the quality and health of our mitochondria - which happens to be the powerhouse of our cells - tend to go down too.

Since this mitochondria is supposed to provide your brain with mental energy to help you accomplish intellectual tasks properly, its compromised state leads to issues like brain fog. Now, is this the kind of permanent damage that you should just learn to live with? According to various studies and the creator of Neuro Thrive, no!

The base formula of Neuro Thrive has been designed using ingredients like natto and PPQ that have been clinically proven to boost the functioning and health of the brain. Hence, thousands of Neuro Thrive reviews report that people who have consumed this supplement for at least 2 to 3 months have witnessed a rapid improvement in terms of their intellectual performance.

Neuro Thrive: Try it now, you won’t be disappointed!

Who Invented Neuro Thrive, And How Did He Manage To Come Up With Such A Potent Cognitive Performance Supplement?

The formula of Neuro Thrive has been invented by Chris Wilson, who is also a famous YouTuber. He is a certified brain health trainer and his advice in terms of boosting cognitive functions effectively is widely accepted by hundreds of thousands of people.

Hence, when he released his ultimate Okinawan-based brain health supplement on the market, his audience was keen on trying it. Fortunately, its formula worked in the favor of a majority of its users, earning Wilson the reputation of a trusted professional in the field of cognitive enhancement.

Chris has been on a mission to help people regain their mental capabilities irrespective of their age. He has been featured on numerous shows and magazines as well, where he was provided a platform to talk about his vision and ideas regarding boosting mental health naturally.

Does Neuro Thrive Provide Your Body With Any Additional Health Benefits?

Yes! Believe it or not, even though the Neuro Thrive reviews are full of praise regarding its effectiveness as a mental energy boosting supplement, it can provide you with several additional health perks as well. A few of them are listed as follows:

Helps Reduce The Symptoms Of Brain Fog

No matter how long you have had to suffer from brain fog, the Neuro Thrive formula can help you eliminate this issue from its root. Its ingredients can help you restore your mental energy and become mentally sharp again, thus helping you regain your focus too.

Boosts Energy Levels

While the ingredients present in Neuro Thrive work efficiently in terms of boosting your mental energy, they are also quite capable of promoting your physical energy levels. This is why a majority of Neuro Thrive reviews report how people who consumed this product regularly could stay much more active and refreshed throughout the day without experiencing energy crashes.

Helps Relieve Stress

Issues like stress and anxiety can amplify the effects of your mental health conditions. Hence, the creators of Neuro Thrive decided to use components that can help induce a sense of calmness in your brain, thus allowing you to stay happy throughout the day and sleep soundly at night!

Order Neuro Thrive now and start experiencing its benefits right away!

Natural Ingredients Incorporated In Neuro Thrive and The Science Behind Them

Below is a list of natural ingredients that are incorporated in Neuro Thrive and an insight into the extent of their clinical backing:


Bacopa monnieri or Brahmi is a small, creeping herb that is native to India, although it can also be found in other regions of the world. Its leaves are small and oval-shaped, and it produces small white or purple flowers.

At a cellular level, Bacopa works through several mechanisms to support brain health. One of its key actions is its ability to enhance the activity of neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine, in the brain.

Acetylcholine is a vital neurotransmitter involved in learning, memory, and overall cognitive function. Bacopa increases the release of acetylcholine and also inhibits the breakdown of this neurotransmitter, leading to improved cognitive performance.

Furthermore, Bacopa has potent antioxidant properties, which play a crucial role in protecting the brain against oxidative damage.


PQQ, short for Pyrroloquinoline quinone, is a compound that plays a vital role in supporting the strengthening of neural pathways and enhancing working memory. Its composition consists of a heterocyclic ring structure with a quinone moiety at its core. This compound is primarily found in various foods like kiwifruit, parsley, green peppers, and green tea.

A study conducted on older adults provides further evidence of PQQ’s effectiveness. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, individuals aged 60-70 years were given PQQ supplements for 12 weeks.

The study found that the group receiving PQQ showed a 30% improvement in attention and working memory accuracy compared to the placebo group.

Act quickly to secure the limited-time discounted price today!

Alpha GPC

One of the main reasons Alpha GPC is included in Neuro Thrive is its neuroprotective properties. Research has shown that Alpha GPC has the ability to protect nerve cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of harmful free radicals and the body’s ability to neutralize them.

This can lead to cellular damage and contribute to the development of various neurological disorders. Alpha GPC acts as an antioxidant, scavenging free radicals and reducing oxidative stress, thereby protecting nerve cells from damage.

Additionally, Alpha GPC has been found to enhance choline levels in the brain. Choline is a vital nutrient that acts as a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in various cognitive processes such as memory, attention, and learning.


One reason why GABA is added to Neuro Thrive is because of its ability to support nerve function. Nerves are responsible for transmitting signals throughout the body, including the brain. When there is an imbalance in neurotransmitters, such as GABA, it can lead to disruptions in nerve function and communication.

Additionally, GABA is added to Neuro Thrive to support cognitive health without any side effects. Unlike many medications or supplements that may have negative side effects, GABA is a natural compound that is well-tolerated by the body. This is because GABA is already produced by the brain and is involved in numerous physiological processes.

By adding GABA to Neuro Thrive, individuals can enhance their cognitive health without worrying about the potential risks or adverse reactions that may come with other medications or supplements. This makes GABA a safe and effective option for supporting cognitive function.

Click here to visit the official website for Neuro Thrive >>>

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 helps support the strengthening of neural pathways through its interaction with receptors in the brain. Within the brain, vitamin D3 binds to specific receptors known as vitamin D receptors (VDRs), which are found abundantly in regions associated with learning and memory, such as the hippocampus.

Activation of these VDRs by vitamin D3 triggers a cascade of intracellular processes that promote the growth and differentiation of neurons and the formation of new synapses, ultimately leading to the strengthening of neural connections and pathways.

Neuro Thrive Supplement Facts IMAGE

What Features Make Neuro Thrive Such An Amazing Brain Health Supplement?

Another reason why people can’t stop themselves from restocking Neuro Thrive is the list of amazing features that it comes with. For instance, let us walk through a few of the top ones to get more clarity on the subject:

Science-Backed Formula With Proper Results

The mental health benefits of natto, one of the star ingredients of Neuro Thrive, are backed by science. Further, thousands of people have experienced positive results after consuming this brain health supplement for a decent period.

These two factors combine to validate the claim that Neuro Thrive is indeed one of the most trustworthy options on the market today.

Great Reputation

As we mentioned before, Neuro Thrive was created by Chris Wilson, who is a popular name in the field of restoring brain power. However, it is worth noting that Wilson has won the trust of millions of people over the years that he has been active in his career, which is why his supplement Neuro Thrive has found it easy to gather a good reputation as well.

Free Shipping On Multi-Bottle Packs

While you are expected to pay a small amount - $7.99, to be exact - as a shipping cost while purchasing the 1-bottle pack of Neuro Thrive, all the multi-bottle packs - that is, the 3 and 6-bottle packages - are shipped for free.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity to get Neuro Thrive!

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Neuro Thrive That Can Make It Either Suitable Or Unsuitable For Your Needs?

Most people decide the worthiness of a product by weighing the pros and cons that it can offer its users. So let us walk through the various perks and drawbacks of the Neuro Thrive supplement and see whether it will be a suitable or an unsuitable option for your brain health needs:

Pros Of Neuro Thrive

After analyzing tons of Neuro Thrive reviews, we have compiled a list of the most loved perks of this brain health-boosting supplement for you below:

  • Uses a scientifically proven Japanese formula to boost the health of your brain naturally
  • Vegetarian capsules
  • Packs of 3 and 6 bottles are shipped for free
  • Affordable as compared to its alternatives

Cons Of Neuro Thrive

The Neuro Thrive reviews seldom talk about its cons; but when they do, these are the most recurring issues that they revolve around:

  • Daily Value % not specified on the label of Neuro Thrive

How Much Does Each Neuro Thrive Package Cost, And What Is Its Refund Policy?

The costs of the different Neuro Thrive packages are listed as follows:

Pack Of 1 Bottle

A single pack of Neuro Thrive is sold for $59. It is ideal for people who want to invest in a sample pack before committing to the multi-bottle packages of this supplement.

Pack Of 3 Bottles

This package is the most popular option and is sold for $147. A single bottle in this pack comes down to $49, and you get to enjoy the feature of free shipping in this case.

Pack Of 6 Bottles

The 6-bottle pack of Neuro Thrive allows you to save the most amount of money with a discount of $120. You can purchase it for just $234 and are exempted from paying the shipping cost.

Neuro Thrive Pricing IMAGE

What Is The Refund Policy Of Neuro Thrive?

Neuro Thrive does not play with the trust of its users, which is exactly why it offers a generous refund policy of 60 days.

During this period, you can test the effects of this cognitive health supplement. If they do not seem to be as great as you expected them to be, reach out to the staff of Neuro Thrive via the contact details on its official website and request a refund!

Should You Make Any Dietary Changes Before Consuming Neuro Thrive?

People who are hesitant to consume dietary supplements are often scared of triggering side effects in their bodies by eating the “wrong” foods. However, Neuro Thrive is different as it is made up of 100% natural ingredients while following all the relevant safety regulations.

As a result, you do not need to take any steps from your end by changing your diet to amplify the effects of this brain health supplement or to prevent adverse reactions.

Of course, if you are on any medications, make sure to consult your doctor before consuming Neuro Thrive to prevent interference with their functionality.


From our perspective, Neuro Thrive stands out as a promising solution in the realm of cognitive health supplements. Its Okinawan-inspired formula, championed by brain health expert Chris Wilson, brings not just a boost in mental energy but a holistic approach to enhancing cognitive abilities naturally.

What sets Neuro Thrive apart is its well-researched, science-backed formula, incorporating ingredients like PQQ and natto, which have proven benefits in revitalizing brain health. The positive testimonials from thousands of users reinforce its effectiveness.

While some minor drawbacks, such as unspecified Daily Value percentages, exist, they pale in comparison to the overwhelming positives reported by users.

Ultimately, Neuro Thrive is not just a supplement; it represents a promise - a promise to regain mental sharpness, combat brain fog, and lead a more intellectually fulfilling life. So, if you’re on the fence about trying it, the evidence from numerous satisfied customers suggests it might just be the key to unlocking your mental potential.

(Flash Sale) Purchase Neuro Thrive For The Lowest Prices!!


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